I like to think of myself as a fairly confident human being. In fact, in one way or another it has been something I have been both critiqued over and praised for since I was a little girl. I talk a lot on my podcast - Life, Styled - about how I am constantly working to overcome (and helping others to do the same) the idea that "bragging" or being proud of yourself is an "ugly" trait. It is so sad to me that we live in a world that would rather people, ESPECIALLY WOMEN, be meek and humble about the things that they have done in life that are really freaking cool! I want to live in a world where people scream their accomplishments from the rooftop, and that starts with people being confident in who they are and what they have to offer the world.
Something that always has helped me get through life and anxiety and imposter syndrome and doubt is affirmations. I remind myself all of the positive things about me and about life to encourage myself. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite affirmations for being your most badass and confident self!
1 - I am strong.
This one just sets the tone for me. It reminds me that even though the work of staying confident isn't easy, it is something I can do because I am a strong person. Women are so incredibly strong and sometimes we just don't realize it because we've been taught that strong women "aren't attractive" and that is a complete load of crap. You are strong and worthy and beautiful and if people don't appreciate that about you, you don't need them in your life!
2 - I am capable of reaching my goals.
How many times have you been told that your goals are "lofty" or "unattainable" when someone really just doesn't believe you are willing to put the work in? Or it's something that is unattainable for them and so they assume the same is true for you? If you are intentionally setting goals, you will only set goals that you are capable of achieving. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
3 - I deserve the life I want to live.
I know it's sometimes hard to work toward the life you know in your heart you should be living when the people around you have different hopes and dreams for you, but it is so important to make sure that you are living YOUR vision for your best life not anyone else's. You deserve your happiness, you deserve your success, you deserve your bliss. Don't let the fear of upsetting someone else's "perfect" vision of you stop you from living YOUR life.
4 - My accomplishments are worth celebrating.
You are doing incredible things and you deserve to celebrate them! You do not owe anyone a humble version of yourself. You do not have to dim your light to make others feel comfortable. Be bold, be loud, be proud and brag about yourself. You deserve to be celebrated for all of the good and hard work you do.
5 - I am my own biggest fan and that is enough for me.
The hard reality is, sometimes we are the only ones who will celebrate our achievements. It sucks when you feel like you are the only one acknowledging how great you are doing, but the biggest lesson I've learned in my confidence journey is that I am the only person who HAS to be proud of me. I am the person who knows the most about what I have gone through and how hard I have worked to get where I am. And I sure as hell will be the one celebrating myself the loudest. I am my own one person fan club and I am so proud of me!
What are some of your favorite affirmations? For confidence? For peace? For self love? Let me know in the comments or on Instagram!