Today on Life, Styled I talked all about how important it is to practice honest and vulnerable self love. Each and every one of you has value and a purpose and is worthy of love, but sometimes we forget that the most important love we receive is self love. Below are four activities that I think are great starting points for self love work. All of these can be done with just a little bit of time and a piece of paper and pen.
If you subscribe to the StyledByKaylaXO newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage, you will receive a FREE Self-Love Inventory worksheet to make these activities even easier!
Activity 1 - Skills List
The first thing I want you to do is make a list of things you are REALLY good at. This doesn't have to be all marketable job skills or million dollar talents, just anything you think you are good at. They can be serious AND silly. The point here is to acknowledge that you are a gifted, talented and intelligent individual, even if your skills aren't things that "most people" would find "valuable".
Here are some of mine:
I am a really fast reader.
I bake really amazing lemon bars.
I am a queen of timer backyard photography.
I am an EXPERT at spending my paycheck quickly.
Okay, so maybe I could've left off that last one... but the point of this is not all of these skills are necessarily going to land me a job or be my big break, but they are all important parts of what makes me who I am!
Take 15 minutes to list as many things as you can think of, and then sit back and look at how AMAZING you are at so many things.
Activity 2 - Daily Affirmations
We've talked a lot on SBK lately about how important affirmations are to starting your day on the right note, and so it felt like it was important to include these in the activities for Self Love.
I want you to come up with a list of FIVE affirmations you can say to yourself every morning to show yourself some love. These should be things that you need to hear to get into a positive headspace. Positive self talk is so important, so start your day with your affirmations, but also have them in your back pocket to combat negative self talk as the day goes on.
Here are the five I will be using to give you some ideas:
Use these as a starting point or come up with your own list! Either way, make sure they are the first things you say to yourself every day!
Activity 3 - A Letter To Me, From Me
This one might be a little cheesy, but I want you to sit down and write yourself a letter. In this letter, you should write about all the things you are proud of yourself for, your favorite things about yourself, and all of things that make you wonderful!
If you don't know where to start, I've included a fill in the blank template in the subscriber freebie! So go sign up for emails!
Activity 4 - Know Your Core Values
I talk a lot about how life changing putting my core values into words was, and it is so much easier than you would think! In fact - it really is only a three step process! Now this isn't unique to me at all, in fact I've had it taught to me from various coaches and in various books, but it is effective and that is why so many of us preach it at you!
The three steps are:
Make a list of ALL of the most important things in your life
Put those things into categories
Turn those categories into value statements
It is that simple. To give you an example of how this works, let's look at my core values.
Seek new knowledge everyday
Build and maintain positive relationships
Share my gifts with those who need them
Take care of my physical, mental and spiritual health
So let's break down one of these to see how you get to these statements.
My second core value is "Build and maintain positive relationships". It started as a list of things that are important to me that looked something like this:
my friends
my students
Those important things turned into the category "people", which then turned into the value statement "build and maintain positive relationships". My value statements are all actionable items, things I can consistently do in my life. These are the categories and actions you should be looking for throughout your list!
So there you have it! Four simple activities that will help you on your journey to honest and vulnerable self love! Make sure you subscribe to our email list to get the FREE WORKSHEET and get to work!